salient features of USA constitution

salient features of USA constitution 

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land and serves as the foundation of the American system of government. Some of the salient features of the US Constitution include:

Separation of powers: The Constitution establishes a system of checks and balances by dividing the powers of government among three co-equal branches - the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Federalism: The Constitution establishes a federal system of government, where powers are divided between the federal government and state governments. This allows for a balance of power between the national and state governments.

Bill of Rights: The Constitution's first ten amendments make up the Bill of Rights, which guarantees individual rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press. These amendments also protect citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures, cruel and unusual punishment, and ensure the right to a fair trial.

Popular sovereignty: The Constitution establishes the principle of popular sovereignty, which asserts that the people are the ultimate source of political power.

Limited government: The Constitution limits the power of the federal government through a system of checks and balances, and by enumerating the powers of the federal government.

Judicial review: The Constitution establishes the principle of judicial review, which allows the Supreme Court to strike down laws that are deemed unconstitutional.

Flexibility: The Constitution is a living document that can be amended to reflect changing social and political conditions.

Preamble: The Preamble to the Constitution sets forth the purposes and goals of the Constitution, including the promotion of the general welfare, the establishment of justice, and the defense of liberty.

These are just a few of the salient features of the US Constitution. Its enduring legacy as a model of democratic governance has influenced constitutions around the world.


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